Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Adam Banton / July Blog Update

 How's it going all? Besides it being triple digits for the last 3 weeks out here in the desert, I have actually been riding a good amount.  At night mostly but it seems to be working. I make exceptions though. Such as pool guru Dean Dickenson passing through town. Dean wrote a book called "You won't" about him riding as many pools as possible in a certain amount of time. I won't tell you the rest, just go order it online. So when he ask if I was down to go pool shralping, it was actually an honor to ride some local gems with him.
We had one day together before he had to be in Austin. I grabbed my GPS and searched through my phone. It ended up being a great day. 3 out of 4 pools wasn't too bad. They were all different and all fun, the one that we didnt ride, had a crazy wild dog living under the porch of a burned down house in the neighborhood of the Mexican Mafia. But actually I have never had any problems in that area. Dean wasn't as scared as I was from the dog so he walked back over to check the pool, it had a bunch of junk in it anyway. Do I need to start bringing pepper spray while hunting? We ended the day at a permission pool. Probably the worst thing that happened was ripping my fav shirt while dangling above razor wire to ride the first pool. Which of course used to have a big opening. It was a rad day and reminded me how much I love riding pools. And with the triple digits being around, you bet they are all dry.
Now I am packing for a Cali trip. Full Factory jam then a week at Woodward West as Visiting Pro. So stoked.