Tuesday, December 16, 2014

S1 Lifer Helmet / Testimonial

Hey Robert!

Saturday morning the temps hit the high 40s in Chicago so some buddies and I went to ride the bowl at Wilson skatepark. I took a full speed dive off one of the extensions, thanks to the ice like anti-graffiti paint they use there, and would have scrambled my eggs something fierce had I not been wearing your helmet. I really want to thank you personally for sending that, self employed and uninsured is a bad combination for BMX and it goes a long way. I don’t send these emails often but i felt it necessary in this case. I would have been fucked in my ______ plain and simple. Thank you.

I am going to be sending an order over shortly after the holidays to fully stock your product and phase out helmets that aren’t rated for what we do.

Thanks again,
Logan Beyhl - Owner of Let's Roast Cycles

Let’s Roast Cycles
1116 N Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL 60642

Phone - 773.278.7820
Email - Logan@letsroast.com